
Most Active chess player

I am setting a goal if anyone cares or not i will retire from chess if by the end of the year i have not reached the top 10 of most active players :P If I reach the top 10 i'll keep playing :) let make a poll who thinks i can reach the top 10 with 7 months to go :)
Interesting goal! I'm wondering how long you need to play each day to get that, so let's do some math! To get in the Top #10 of active chess players you need to have at least 61,758 games (that's the current number of games for #10, + 1). You have played 355 games, so that's 61,403 games. But let's assume that the number to enter the top 10 increases, so let's round it up to 62,000. The fastest way to get there, would be by playing a lot of hyperbullet, 1/2+0. These games cannot take more than 1 minute to play. Most of them won't take 1 minute, so let's take "1 minute" as the average time to get an opponent and to finish a game.

You have 62,000 minutes or games to play that can be spread over 229 days. That is, 271 minutes or games per day = 11 hours and 20 minutes a day... which is a lot. Looks hard, but perhaps not impossible. Good luck!
Thanks i will try..... i will update this post every time i reach a 1000 games on my total :P and yes i am only going to play hyper bullet and normal bullet no increment and all rated :)
271 minutes is 4,5 hours?
I think in 7 months the 10th number will be at least 70 000.
230 days he has.
69644/230=302 games/day.
So it is 5 hours a day. Maybe a bit more because of additional time between games. Possible, but hard.
#4 LOL, I divided 271 by 24 and not by 60. So yeah it's 4.5 hours. That's more doable than 11 hours...
Yay I have reached 500 games :P i'll only play casual as rated would tilt me too much :(
Sometimes it will take long to find an opponent in casual game. I think it's faster to find an opponent if you seek for a rated game. But you can play both. And when you cannot find an opponent for a casual game, try to play rated.
Finding an opponent in casual is quite fast if you allow Anonymous players. If you don't, it's slower indeed.

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