
Calendar notifications for tournaments.

It would be nice to have a calendar URL (something like google calendar) for the various tournaments. I want to subscribe to only specific events/tournaments and ignore others. In case of Google, a single calendar URL can track all/multiple tournaments with the option of being notified about specific tournaments. That way, one can set up an alert to be notified 15/5 minutes before the start of the tournament on their smart phones (using calendar sync and notification) even if they not in front of their PC.

There are so many tournaments that I missed just because I was unable to track their schedule conveniently.

P.S. This feedback is created based on suggestion from one of the fellow players. The was originally asked in the Q&A section at . Mods may decide the appropriate location.
The schedule repeats per day/week/month, should be possible to setup a repeating event in your calendar.
That sounds like a temporary work around. But does the tournament schedule account for DST changes?

With an official calendar URL one can see newer tournaments (say thematic ones) that are introduced (or existing ones rescheduled, if at all) right in their phones without any extra app.

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