
why account of me was an report breaking the law?

Hello. My name is Dau Khuong Duy, my birthday is 2011. I've gotten a bronze medal U8 in the world since 2019. I've gotten a gold medal in asean since 2019 for Blitz chess and a gold medal in nation for standard chess U9 in 2020
This is my youtube channel

Today i saw my account reported violation

I affirm that I have always played chess with honesty, even solving puzzles I have never resorted to the aid of a computer. Why is my account locked? This is definitely a mistake by the lichess support team. I need concrete proof and if you can't give proof (which is certainly not proof because I never cheat in competition). Please reopen my account. Thank you!!
Oh, a french website article :)
Anyway, congrats for being 1700 at only 10, keep going !
If you think you did not break the rules and you are very much sure, you can use This might help you!
Note: If your appeal is incorrect, you cannot open any account again!
Has anyone had the same case as me? Once again I confirm that I do not use any help when playing chess. How to contact the fastest support team? I have sent an email but have not received a response yet
I support you, my friend! I'm his close friend and can confirm that he is a very talented youngster here in Vietnam. He has achieved many impressive achievements and always train very hard. Thus, the high rating is the fruit of his hardworking and shouldn't be suspected.
@daubon : Lichess does not discuss violations of Terms of Service in public. As already mentioned you can file an appeal against the decision here:

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