
Black Lives Matter

Excellent way to put it @MikeBloomberg I really love being able to talk about this stuff too, but not to sit here and point fingers and fight with others about my views. Rather to see all the different opinions and reasoning and hopefully come to find some possible solutions to the actual problems!
@Lonerdruid You live in South Africa, right? Obviously there are other problems in SA than in the USA. In the USA black people are disadvantaged, in SA white people. Racism isn't exclusively anti-black.
Proud to be associated with lichess :) Kudos to Thibault & team.
Again I actually support the movement and do not particularly care about the "Black" part here, but I am saying I understand why a lot of people do (for the reason i am pointing out right now)
@Lonerdruid I'm not. Where am I doing that? This discussion is about the USA, so obviously that's what I was referring to. Me saying that black people are disadvantaged in the USA doesn't mean that that's the case in every other country as well.
I can't even play chess anymore without having this garbage shoved down my throat. BLM is a racist shit-organisation that does NOT care about black people except when they get news coverage. At their rallies, they chant "What do we want? DEAD COPS!" and similar lovely sentiments. How courageous of you to support them, as everybody else does in such a brain dead fashion! Statistics show that if you factor in number of crimes committed by each group, blacks are NOT at higher risk of getting shot by the police. You spineless cowards, keep your virtue signalling bullshit to yourselves and run your damn chess-site.

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