
This is a fraud site

If you look PGN-file from this game - you will see the last move 45.Bxg7+

It is in the file, but it's not in the game itself. I honestly see this for the first time.

The file contains everything that happened in the game.
Sometimes moves happen on the board if you move right as you run out of time, but they don't show up in the notation. Regardless, its just a game and this isn't
Right, this is more of a lag issue than anything but bottom-line you timed out before your last move.
I'm talking about the difference in notation and PGN-file. There the forum put forward a plausible explanation, but here on there are no similar server problems. This is a fact of technical superiority.

And in principle, nowhere should there be such a curiosity that the recording of the move got into the file faster than in the notation.

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