
Software for (custom) openings?

Hello, I'm trying to learn some opening lines. I created some private studies on Lichess with my preferred lines and moves, but I could not find a rapid tool to make tests/quiz on these lines. Is there a software or tool to make this? I'll try to explain better: what I want is a software in which I specify a repertoire of lines and preferred moves and a tool to test these lines random or sequentially. Thanks!
Hi Andrea,

I am in a similar position to you, and I'm currently trying out the Opening Training tool on Chess Tempo. You can import your repertoire from PGN files (or enter them manually) and then train them with the help of spaced repetition. The interface and menus will take some getting used to for me, but besides that I like it. It's easier to work with for these purposes than Chessable at least. Since it's free I think it's worth checking out.

Other alternatives would be software like Chessbase or Chess Position Trainer. I have played around a bit with Chessbase, but it feels daunting to learn. I'm hoping that Lichess studies + Chess Tempo will suffice for me.

Good luck!
Also, one thing I need to mention. For offline Chess Opening Wizard is very good software, that does the same as LiStudy or Chessables. I have it on Mac and Ipad. But I think its also available on Windows.
Create a course on chessable- it's similar to entering in your moves on a Lichess study, it's also available on their free accounts and you can train from random points in the position.
There is a freebie PC application called ChessHero which can be used for repertoire training - as well as other things. All you have to do is put each repertoire line in a sperate PGN file then load these into the application. You can then train each line sequentially or bundle all the lines together and train randomly, or random line then sequential. It doesn't do spaced repetition, but I am not sure this is needed for repertoires where it is best to order the lines in terms of frequency of actual game occurrences.

In my limited experience ChessHero has three things going for it:-

(a) Quite a simple and easy to use application.
(b) Produces daily graphs of performance - as you always have to top-up learning know when to do so is important.
(c) Quality presentation, i.e. looks neat.

One drawback is that you have manually edit the PGNs produced by LiChess - this is often the case with PGNs produced by platforms. For ChessHero you have to add '[SetUp "1"] ' to the header section on a separate line and remove the "[Variant...]" and "[Annotator...]" lines. if the former is missing you will get a message saying it can't find anything in the file, with the latter then application will just bomb out if it attempts to read the file. All sounds a bit complicated by really is a mindless drag. The application comes with plenty of PGN examples to try out before committing any effort.

LucasChess is a much bigger and more powerful application and will do repertoires training as well. It's a free PC application but is a bit more complicated to set-up as it is centred around the creation of user databases rather than simple PGN files. Note, you can feed the same repertoire PGNs files as in ChessHero without any tiresome modifications.
Thanks for the information guys! For now I will use LiStudy: simple, imports studies from lichess, test random variants.

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