
Need a line for white in the Nimzo Indian.

Will likely be playing a 1900 in a upcoming tournament that always plays the Nimzo and if I can find something good enough in time I would like to use it. If not I will play something neutral like 3. Nf3 going for QGD but not my favourite thing to do.
One thing to add I do not want to go into Benoni like Nimzos with c5 if possible.
You can try the Trompovsky. It frequently leads to unusual positions, which is good when facing stronger opponents.
A tricky line most Nimzo players are unprepared against is if you go into the Kasparov-Petrosian variation with 3. Nf3 followed by 4. a3. Of course, if you are playing against someone who employs the Bogo-Indian, then it could work to play with a fianchetto like setup.

If you don't like that there is always the Qc2 variation against the Nimzo which obtains a clean advantage for white in every line. However, black gets a development advantage in some lines, and you really have to know what you are doing with white.

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