
The 8+ Method: Key Idea to Excelling as a Writer and Course Creator

So, am I the only person who feels this like a shameless course advert?

Despite the name of the article and main topics, the article itself poorly compiled both in terms of thoughts and text formatting. Just a pile of badly formatted sentences (not 8+, but 2-).

Am I the only person with this feeling?
@Motroskin said in #2:
> So, am I the only person who feels this like a shameless course advert?
> Despite the name of the article and main topics, the article itself poorly compiled both in terms of thoughts and text formatting. Just a pile of badly formatted sentences (not 8+, but 2-).
> Am I the only person with this feeling?

No, you are not the only one. Of course he is a snake oil salesman. I find his posts amusing, though - we didn't have anybody like that since Igor Smirnov. :)
@HGabor said in #3:
> No, you are not the only one. Of course he is a snake oil salesman. I find his posts amusing, though - we didn't have anybody like that since Igor Smirnov. :)

I feel like you don’t really know much about GM Avetik and his company and are not able to say it’s bad, because you haven’t really checked the succes of all the people who joined chessmood.

This article was mainly written for being on the website chessmood, and GM Avetik just posts it here so people on lichess can also read it here. And I know posting these blogs also helps getting more people discovering chessmood, but that was not the main reason the article was posted here.

I hope you understand me and will stop wasting your time making these comments.

Thank you!
I really don't want to see this guy's posts on the front page.

I blocked the guy but still keep seeing his promotional blog posts.
@DonkeyWinsChess said in #4:
> I feel like you don’t really know much about GM Avetik and his company and are not able to say it’s bad, because you haven’t really checked the succes of all the people who joined chessmood.
> This article was mainly written for being on the website chessmood, and GM Avetik just posts it here so people on lichess can also read it here. And I know posting these blogs also helps getting more people discovering chessmood, but that was not the main reason the article was posted here.
> I hope you understand me and will stop wasting your time making these comments.
> Thank you!

Trust me, I know quite enough about Avetik. I checked his website and his videos before I formed my opinion. I would not call anybody a snake oil salesman otherwise. He basically sells overpriced passive learning for gullible amateurs.

By the way, his website is full of false statements like this:

"Most players look for private coaching to improve – but great coaches can cost $150/hr or more. "

This is a blatant lie. I know at least a dozen coaches personally, including titled players who were selected as Coach of the Year in Hungary, and nobody charges 150 dollars - not even the half of it.
@HGabor said in #6:
> Trust me, I know quite enough about Avetik. I checked his website and his videos before I formed my opinion. I would not call anybody a snake oil salesman otherwise. He basically sells overpriced passive learning for gullible amateurs.
> By the way, his website is full of false statements like this:
> "Most players look for private coaching to improve – but great coaches can cost $150/hr or more. "
> This is a blatant lie. I know at least a dozen coaches personally, including titled players who were selected as Coach of the Year in Hungary, and nobody charges 150 dollars - not even the half of it.

Well, then please answer the following 3 questions:

1. Why are there on every course only 4.8+ reviews?

2. If chessmood is just for gullible amateurs, why did also many titled players join chessmood and even used the stuff there to become a GM?

3. Why do so many GM’s support chessmood, like Vladimir Akopian?

Note that I just ask these questions because I am interested in your opinion and that if you have good arguments, I will believe you.
This is a great post. I'm glad its the first thing i read today