
Puzzles are improving.

It seems like the puzzles are getting better.

There are less mating puzzles, and more tactics to gain material.

They're starting to look more like the puzzles at (Chess Tactics Server).


Yes, I am in loved with the tactics trainer here! I did reach 2315 rating today, now I need to stay over 2300.

One thing that had been cool, is a easy way to practice endgames. For ex. how to draw with bishop + king vs rook + king and play against the comp (tablebase can be useful here). You practice your technique and gets an engame rating. If you make a move that does not win in a won position, or loses in a drawn position you fail. If you manage to mate or respectively make a draw (50 moves rule, stalemate, no mating material, repitition) you win the puzzle.
Had been fun, and very good to practice endgames.
If it is a tool like this online I would like to know.
____ I am thinking that grey bread, brackish water, and dank slime clinging to the walls of your keep have ADDELED your brain beyond repair... The only good thing about your abusive ordeal is it MAY SERVE as a starting model for the schmucks who have engineered some of these puzzles. [i recently had 2 of 10 opening puzzles where I moved EVERY PIECE TO EVERY SQUARE & was unable to find the "4th 'strong' move"

____ If my mental health doesn't improve I need to find that hotel you were staying at MR. HAPPY
Beyond repair? Certainly not.

Perhaps there is truth to your words nevertheless. It may be that the time spent among the low and downtrodden has heightened my appreciation for the finer things such as chess puzzles on

However, I will clarify: When I speak of puzzles, I mean the tactics trainer, NOT the "opening" puzzles, which are fairly new, and are necessarily more limited than tactical puzzles.

The more time that goes by, the better the tactics puzzles shall be. I have already noticed improvement, and I doubt that it's merely drug-induced illusion.
You're too old for adventures in the rabbit-hole. Maybe an occasional psychedelic trip would do you good, but not else.

Try laughter and meditation. Buddhism is psychologically sound, if nothing else.

I was (ok -am) a nerd so my virgin system needs drugs....

Puzzle 14711 --- they want me to grab a pawn & let the oponent castle behind an intact wall of pawns (QRRBK vs QRBK) and then battle it out from there (my King [object of the game!!] is exposed.

BULLSHIRT!! this old man learned a different kind of chess and plays against humans not machines. I would swap queens; force the king to capture & be left in the middle -- with the rook somewhat boxed in and no King behind those pawns to start an endgame roller. Maybe a machine or Grandmaster would rather have that extra pawn but I would rather have psycholgical & positional pressure.
RE OPENING PUZZLES: Just like I was taught to be leary of throwing out a3/h3 barbs IN PREVENTATIVE fashion and offering a bishop / whatever sacrafice bait!! Thibault just beat me beautifully with an old-fashioned sacrafice that proves the value of the pressures mentioned above... (His sacrafice /initial thrust 'failed' but his attack sure as heck won!!!!!) My damaged brain and 'classic chess' served to beat a number of you modernists because you seem unaware that for players of my ilk a Bshp x pawn followed by Qn x capturing pawn is an advantage ME the way I see it!! It is the dialectic principle... classic ideas will be resurrected to counter hypermodern strategies.... "LOOK GOOD AT AGE 700 you will not"

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