
V2 bug: cant move piece

Im playing on an iphone XR using Google Chrome. Stqrted a 1|0 game and was able to make my first move but not the second one, managed to record a video in case it helps

Thanks for looking into this!
What happens when you try to put it on one of the squares the piece can actually go to? From the video it looks like you are missing by a lot.
@lovlas remember this is an iphone. That means it wont have that much precision with the finger as when you have a mouse, known as the 'fat-finger problem', and a good app should take it into account. Sure, some of the tries were ridicolous, but there were others (for example, the knight to f' '3.5' that should have moved.
I just tried and it seems the key presses are a little misaligned with where they are being registered. I had no problems out of zen mode. But yeah piece movement is a bit buggy in zen.
I honestly didnt watch the video before I posted it, but I can guarantee that I was making normal, real moves, Nf3 for example, or c2c4.

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