
Current tournament score system IS interesting...but...why not keeping a "normal" score system as well, at least as an "alternative" option, for the ones who want to participate in a tournament with "standard" scoring system?

Current tournament score system IS interesting...but...why not keeping a "normal" score system as well, at least as an "alternative" option, for the ones who want to participate in a tournament with "standard" scoring system? That is, a point for a win, half point for draw and zero for loss, no "winning streak cumulatives" or such.
Also I would like to know, why an option to create a tournament without a TIME limit, but instead a tourney has to be played by swiss or berger system (all participants meet each other at least once) should is not available here at all? After all, isn't it how chess tournaments usually are done?
More tournament types are planned (i.e Swiss). We're currently working on something to a similar effect, stay tuned.
Thanks for a replay; it would be interesting to see it coming soon, indeed.
It's been a month or something since yr last post here. we're still tuned in expectation of those planned tornament options, but no news are coming from that direction. Anything about the topic since?
Thx in advance.
1 Feature at a time. :)

There's only 1 proper developer on this site, so unless it's a bug, most new features take time and care to be implemented.

There's been a lot of great new features on the todo list, unfortunately Swiss Tournaments are not on top of that list.
I've always thought that "round-robin" is the best system. I think that's the same as Berger? Everyone plays everyone else?

Just a personal view, from someone who is obsessed with football, and who used to run a big prize money 8ball pool league :)
1+0 Half Round Robin

2 Players = 1 Games/Person = 2 Minutes Total + Down-time
4 Players = 3 Games/Person = 6 Minutes Total
8 Players = 7 Games/Person = 14 Minutes Total
16 Players = 15 Games/Person = 30 Minutes Total
32 Players = 31 Games/Person = 62 Minutes Total
64 Players = 62 Games/Person = 124 Minutes Total

So that'll maybe work for 1+0 tournaments. But for 5+0 tournaments that can get up to 60 players, that'll make for:
60 players = 59 Games/Person = 1180 Minutes, or about 20 hours

Obviously too long for your average bear. Because of this, if round robin tournaments are introduced, it'll be in a rather limited capacity. Swiss tournaments take precedence as they are much more scalable.
That makes total sense, even to me :D

What MIGHT be worth considering would be small pools (of 8 people?) and have the pool winners go forward into a champions pool...?

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