
Very bad form

People that get into a losing position, start another game and just let the clock run down on the other game.

I was playing a jerk today who had THREE 20 minute games on the go, 2 of which he was letting the clock run down on.

I think you should only be able to play one timed game at a time and not start another until the other is resolved.
I think they should get labels, as cheaters, like "this ... let the clock run down in a losing position". But I don't meet such people. At 1800+ elo there aren't such ... . It's impossible to forbid playing several games in one time. There are people who like to play several games in one time like GMs do. And people who meet this rundowners, need to play another game, too, they can't wait.
The answer to this is: stop complaining about free points.

I'd go on for all the reasons why there's no easy fix for this, but it'll fall on deaf ears and the question will be repeated next week.
I just wanted to add that I agree with that statement, whoever let the clock tick is jerk and has no honor and enough balls to face the defeat.

But once I stepped over the mark of 1500 ELO (maybe now its around 1800, as said Desire, because that was in a far far times when ELO at Lichess was much lower and you started with 1200) I havent met a single rundowner since that time. I guess the more skill player has, the more respect to skill of the others he has as well. Did you ever saw a GM runned down his clock? xD

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