
berserking is sandbagging

Your analogy isn't really ideal.

A better analogy would be like sword fighting. If one player is confident enough to sword fight with one arm behind their back, then they may. If they lose this way, then so be it. Sandbagging by analogy would be intentionally dropping one's sword or running themselves into their opponent's.

If a high-ranked player consistently lost to 1500?s then I'd be suspicious, but from your description it isn't clear if you're describing legitimate time-outs or intentional time-outs to artificially inflate the rank of lower-ranked players. Context matters. Consistency matters.

As an aside, it's a bit dramatic to be upset if a player loses "your points" to someone else in a berserked game [via timeout?] after beating you in a non-berserked game. After you lose, they aren't your points anymore.
if i lose to a player that's somewhat stronger than me, i should only lose 4-7 points. but when i lose to these berserker-sandbaggers i lose 15-20 points.

this is unfair. these people are stronger than me but taking away points like they're weaker.

Everyone should be upset by this.

Get upset!!

Berserking is when a player halves their time in exchange for an extra point if they win. Basically giving all the top players free extra points against lower rating players that don't match up to their skill level.
Sandbagging is when a player purposely lowers their rating so that they can do better later in a future tournament, or possibly competition.
Using the berserk is a show of skill. It's like a grandmaster playing against a newbie. If the grandmaster won, it would be no surprise, and no challenge for him/her so they probably wouldn't gain much rating, if any at all. It would be too easy. If people could gain 50 rating per game for playing against people that had never played chess before, then this system would be broken.
Now on the other hand, it would be more of a challenge if the grandmaster were to play against the newbie without their queen, rooks, and bishops. Then this would provide a challenge, and would be a bit more fair to the newbie. Therefore, if the grandmaster still won, he/she should gain more rating, because it was a greater challenge, and a greater show of skill and intellect.
Berserking is a variation of this. Instead of sacrificing your pieces, as this would ruin the game of chess, they are sacrificing their time to think, lowering themselves to the level of a lower level player, to show their skill and intellect, and gain more rating.
If someone berserks against everyone but you, then that probably doesn't mean that they hate you, or don't like your username, and instead means that they are extremely confident in their playing skill against everyone but you, and would rather not risk losing to you, as they are being cautious, because they acknowledge your skill, and do not want to risk losing to you.

Now stop coming up with excuses why you're losing points, like, "Everyone's a sandbagger, and everyone hates me, so they purposely don't berserk against me."

Lol, and also get better at chess. :P
(Though I'm not really one to talk since I suuuuuuuuuck)
the only thing berserking does is make you play 200 points weaker than you really are.

that's it. there's nothing heroic in it.

please stop going on about the "skill" it takes.. my sides can't take it.
so @vayomer_elohim what you're saying is that only your arguments are valid and no matter what other people argue they are always wrong?

Here's another situation to consider:
- 2 players of exactly equal skill and equal rating play each other
- Player1 Berserks
- Player1 loses

Question 1: Should Player1 lose more points than if they had not berserked? Nobody forced them to halv their time
Question 2: If Player1 wins, should they win more points than if they had not berserked? Their opponent had the advantage of twice the time

@vayomer_elohim "the only thing berserking does is make you play 200 points weaker than you really are"

No, the only thing it does is giving you less time on the clock, which (if one wants to intentionally deflate one's rating) could be just as simply achieved by playing a tad slower... one could purposely go "oops, lost on time/oops, lagging a bit/oops, my mouse is not good" and lo and behold, you have your lower rating

The problem is sandbagging itself, berserk has nothing to do with it specifically
"Everyone should be upset by this. Get upset!!"

Copyright vayomer-elohim, MXXI. All rights reserved.

Here's my take on the issue:

In online chess, your rating is more than just your chess playing strength - it's the factors around the game, as well. If you have bad internet and disconnect games with some regularity, that lowers your rating, and accurately so, because there is a chance in the future that you will disconnect again, handing a win to another person. If you play in an environment were you get easily distracted, that lowers your rating, but accurately so, because that's just where you play.

Note that in both cases, the legitimate rating-altering factors are not tied to chess playing strength. The same thing goes for berserking games consistently - your rating will likely lower (probably not 200 points IMO), but if it's done consistently, it will represent your true online chess strength, because you do berserk games.

Personally, I only use berserk when I play people rated much lower than me (which only occurs in antichess) because I'm almost guaranteed a win, berserk or not, and I grab an extra tourney point. I think the berserk mechanic is a fun way to give lower rated-players a chance at a win against good players and also give tournaments a little more hype, since you can mount a comeback streak more easily by berserking.

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