
Search "user:NorwegianHobbyplayer"

55 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - do you play online chess with a real chess board?#27

#23 Yes :) But to use a real chessboard under a game online has some advantages: you can test your varistions on the board. Of course you cannot do this in a OTB game ^^

Lichess Feedback - Anyway we could get more detailed stats?#2

Yes. Stats like this is always fun. Also a database with stats from every game stored on server would be interesting. I am thinking about per cent for moves (1. e4 c5 for ex) with result for W/B.

General Chess Discussion - chess IQ#2

I have heard that talent count 1% and training 99%, while others say talent count 10% and training 90%. What is more relevant than IQ I think is interest for the game. If you do not like the game, it …

General Chess Discussion - If I dont fianchetto my bishop, I dont know what to do with it. Can someone just share some principles for Bishop placement in the opening?#9

It is easier to play 1. e4 openings as beginner. Just develop your pieces to control the central squeres. Aim for a d4 break potentially with Re1 (defending e4), Nf3, c3, Bb5 (attacking knigth on c6 a…

General Chess Discussion - What are some good anti chess openings?#24

I started reading this forum before I read the title.. Wth, thought everything was ironi :D

General Chess Discussion - weird #2

I guess it depends on how many games they have played. The more games, the less loss/gain of ranking points. The fewer games, the more loss/gain of points.

Lichess Feedback - I have an idea#3

I saw this on, but you will have to pay to enjoy the full benefit of this feature. This is an good idea, also realistic. +1

Lichess Feedback - Lost connection to lichess#1

Hi, I often lose games because I lose connection to lichess. Is this because of my internet or the server? It is very annoying :( I do not know what to do, many of my live games never get played out d…

Game analysis - Meaning of advantage...#5

If the computer says [+1.00] it means white has an advantage as big as 1 pawn extra. This do not mean that he is 1 pawn ahead, but that his position is stronger. If the advantage is over [+0.90] or un…

Lichess Feedback - additional analysis function#2

Explain more?
