
Search "user:Dukedog"

7319 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - The Missing Resource?#20

I would just write as usual. I'm sure if you make a mistake in gender identity you will quickly be corrected.

Off-Topic Discussion - Just pass it on#15

@NaturalBornTraveller Thank you. On the flip side I once held the door for a guy exiting with two 30 packs of beer. It turned out to be a beer run.

Off-Topic Discussion - no, really, problem -take 2#3

Solvable and unsolvable.

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#3

Phytoplankton is also a major producer of oxygen on earth. I think the differences far outweigh the similarities.

Off-Topic Discussion - Space Mirrors could create earth like haven on Mars#10

Other factors should also be considered not least of which are the lack of a magnetic field and the fact that Martian soil is not suitable for crop cultivation. The best I can see for Mars is a depend…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#36

I suppose it does give comfort to the virgins

Off-Topic Discussion - Magic on the mountain#5

And here I was expecting Misty Mountain Hop.

Off-Topic Discussion - Magic on the mountain#3

@clousems Wasn't me man, must've been a bear.

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think of my interpretation of the Book of Revelation here?#41

Revelatory obfuscation. You'd think if an all powerful being wanted us to know something, We'd know it

Off-Topic Discussion - Just pass it on#1

I was shopping one day at the grocery store and this lady in this old beat up beater car asked me for a jump. Her battery was all corroded and the cables were loose. So I clean up everything and jump …
