
Search "user:JiajinJiang420"

26 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - he's getting annoying#2

Thanks, that really helps clear things up for us.

General Chess Discussion - How do trophies work?#3

@Ultimate_Gigachad said in #1: > How do u get a golden trophy , a thicc golden trophy , the silver trophy and that shiny golden trophy Get better at chess.

Off-Topic Discussion - What Will Be Your Chess Resolutions For The New Year?#3

@Noflaps said in #1: > Definitely solve more puzzles, but not sure on improving my rating to a certain level since I do have personal things as well (goals like reach 1600 in rapid by the end of the y…

Off-Topic Discussion - why is canada so fascistic compared to the united states?#5

@Waiting4BirnamWood said in #4: > At first I read "fantastic". Wouldn't that make more sense? Ohhhhh yeah.. Better not mean Canada is facist, I love Canada.

Off-Topic Discussion - My Lichess account#3

@Kamila_Go12345 said in #1: > why did my account got reported even though i rarely play lichess when i came back i wondered why my rating didnt go up so i asked a friend why my rating didnt go up and …

Off-Topic Discussion - why is canada so fascistic compared to the united states?#2

@i_will_lick_you said in #1: > i dont understand Not anymore really. The prices of everything and the crazy amount of immigrants flooding here is ruining Canada. Before JT however, that was the image,…

General Chess Discussion - StockFish Not Working??#4

@kingalex245 said in #3: > @JiajinJiang420 Still not responding anyone have any other ideas? I really need to finish this! Thanks Again Did it not work? icognito mode is another option to help

Lichess Feedback - Why not notification bell if someone posts in a forum I made a comment?#3

@swarminglocusts said in #1: > I find that only if I am quoted that I get notified, but not when someone adds to the thread. why not always in a thread I'm following? Just check the thread, if every r…

General Chess Discussion - StockFish Not Working??#2

Interesting. it works for me. Maybe it has something to do with your browser or internet or something. Have you tried this more than once? Or did it get stuck the one time you tried? Everytime somethi…

General Chess Discussion - what is the king's purpose?#3

@coolchessplayer10 said in #1: > i have so many questions about this piece, why is so important? if he is royal, then why is the queen not? can a chess army move without the king? This is a bit confus…
