
Search "user:Melora"

53 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature request - LichessTV chat#6

"I mean, thibault is cool, but you should turn off this userscript." That's an insult? Hm, people are getting more and more sensitive by the day. I blame their parents. --- I support this feature. For…

Lichess Feedback - Add hourglass already.#3

Everybody be polite to pranav15! He/she needs a place that he/she can feel safe! --- I don't know what "add hourglass" means, but I support it 100%. It sounds hourglassy.

Off-Topic Discussion - Making sense in a senseless wold#4

You should've thought this through before writing it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Perhaps the US deserves Donald Trump#7

Absolutely the US deserves Trump. It's been too long since the US had a good president. "B-b-but, the people on TV say that Trump is bad!" Yeah, yeah, and you think Hillary is good?! The bottom line i…

General Chess Discussion - I beat chess.#1

How does one beat chess, you ask? By no longer playing it. I now spend the time I would be using to play chess doing much more productive things. I wish you all luck in beating chess. It might be hard…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: Rules when somebody looses on time#5

Please demonstrate how white can 'easily checkmate black' in this position. I'm curious.

Lichess Feedback - strange disconnexion in middle of the game#3

I believe there is an exploit to disconnect your opponent.

General Chess Discussion - Give LM to those that donate >200 dollars#2

They already get sheriff's badge in their profile. >Lichess Feedback.

General Chess Discussion - SEE what CARLSEN SAID #4

B-b-but, the TV told me that Trump is bad! Anyway, great call by Carlsen.

Off-Topic Discussion - How And Why To Choose A Spiritual Master?#15

You said it without thinking and now your ego prevents you from admitting your mistake. Also, here we have the classic dodging of a question. Don't worry, though, it's very clear why you claim to be a…
