
Search "user:MorningCoffee"

470 forum posts
Game analysis - How to blow a 53 point advantage in one move#4

you can say " I stopped paying super close attention once I took his knight pair" or "when I took two knights for a pawn on move 8" lol. In the words of Ben(the cute fat GM): TERRIBLE!

Game analysis - Need your endgame knowledge#8

this is basic theory with the passer on the 7th the white rook in front and the black rook behind the passed pawn its a draw even if white has an extra pawn on the g or h file, which is clearly the be…

General Chess Discussion - Fabiano Caruana's most GRUESOME blunders EVER!!#7

@chessclinic .... ....................... .......................................................... Honestly, who came up with the idea of presenting these videos with this particular animated "being…

General Chess Discussion - Really interesting read - IM Greg Shahade: "Slow Chess should die a fast death"! #52

@CafeMorphy Ok, I thought he was serious, but yeah... I think we all got a bit trolled here :) Well played @BestSiteEver unless he is actually Greg after all (You never know...)

General Chess Discussion - Really interesting read - IM Greg Shahade: "Slow Chess should die a fast death"! #48

Spectating a chess game is like watching a film of David Lynch( without the naked pretty girl that is usually there lol)Most of the things that occur happen in the background and if you want to apprec…

Game analysis - Analyse my game #3

a solid, technical performance by both players.

Game analysis - Game analysis#2

I think you had a fine position till the moment you blundered One thing to comment though "offer my bad bishop for a knight..." Someone once said "the worst bishop is better than the best knight Plus,…

Off-Topic Discussion - Joke room#24

@PatzerGareBear13 the guy who made the riddle might have wanted the answer to be nothing, but wanting and being correct are two different things

Off-Topic Discussion - Joke room#22

@sunflower93 poor people have nothing? rich people need nothing? If you eat nothing for one meal you die? The way it is phrased in the riddle, it means if you eat it once you die,because if it was sup…

Off-Topic Discussion - Joke room#10

A bit of a riddle, try answering the following question: Can you answer this question with a "no"?
