
Search "user:farhad5269"

11 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is cheating for losers?#36

I think cheaters are noob at chess. They are so weak at chess. They even don't understand they have only one legal move sometimes.

General Chess Discussion - Why do you like to play chess?#1

My reason to play chess is that it's very funny game. Both of us play some moves that we don't quite understand we make blunder and pretend that we know everything about the position. And after analyz…

General Chess Discussion - the puzzles and the improvements#1

hi, i am trying so hard to be a 2800 blitz player but for that i am solving so many puzzles. i am analyzing my blitz chess games by the engine. is it possible for me to reach to my goal? how long will…

General Chess Discussion - Stuck at 1600 blitz#11

@Kazunari-Sakoda said in #9: > For 3+0 blitz, choose openings which you know well enough to play on autopilot, try not to hang any pieces (pawns count) in the middle game and if you do hang a piece, d…

General Chess Discussion - Stuck at 1600 blitz#10

Thanks for your advices.

General Chess Discussion - Stuck at 1600 blitz#3

I was a 1200 blitz player on I get's 1200 is as equal as 1600 I have been stuck there for one year.

General Chess Discussion - Stuck at 1600 blitz#1

I am doing a lot of chess puzzles but my rating doesn't change a bit. I don't find them within my games. Please give me your opinion.

Community Blog Discussions - Stockfish 16.1 is here!#56

How should I get stockfish 16.1 on my phone? Because it doesn't exist in the Google store for the android. Because I really want to see how do neurons fire into the stockfish mind about any position?

General Chess Discussion - Help me to progress in chess#18

Hi, I am a 1600 chess player from I have speedrun rapid chess in there from 100 ELO. I am solving so many chess puzzles here. Do you think it's good for chess improvement? Because that's no…

Community Blog Discussions - Stockfish 16.1 is here!#49

Can I ask you something? Does normal stockfish have access to the table base? Or does it find in the start of the 8 peice and use only it's calculation?
