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9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else take e4, e5, queen h5 as an insult#10

@myoung11 said in #1: > Does anyone else take e4, e5, queen h5 as an insult or is it just me Certainly. I even made a study on how to crush it, that’s how annoyed I was

General Chess Discussion - Is it ok for some random person to send you messages and ask random irrelevant and private questions#16

@Santiagodm said in #15: > I deleted the chat I would ignore, delete then report the user to get him banned, because we can’t have things like this continuously happening.

General Chess Discussion - Is it ok for some random person to send you messages and ask random irrelevant and private questions#14

@Santiagodm said in #13: > same report them, it’s harassment as @Deadban said

General Chess Discussion - Is it ok for some random person to send you messages and ask random irrelevant and private questions#8

If they’re doing that just reply with dumb answers. Like if they ask your age, reply ‘1000 or 42 million’. It will annoy them enough to make them go away.

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Off-Topic Discussion - Atlas#30


Off-Topic Discussion - Atlas#27

South Carolina - :]

Off-Topic Discussion - Atlas#20

Djibouti - :]

Lichess Feedback - Strange time behavior#3

In matches you can give your opponent more time which is probably what your opponent did there.
