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18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Dice chess#1

Hi, This is kinda a big request. But dice chess sounds really interesting One resource is here:,this%20form%20of%20di…

General Chess Discussion - Is Magnus Carlsen greatest of all time ?#29

There is no best really it depends more on your own definition of that term. He appears to be at least as good as anybody past or present at 1 position of chess960 is about all that I can confidently …

General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on all this memorizing#17

Maybe (just mabye) if you're not a big fan of the memory element of chess, in that it's not rewarding enough to win or gain an edge that way, maybe chess960 is more for you? Although it's more brutal …

General Chess Discussion - new chess variant#1

I have a chess variant idea. It is regular chess except for 1 important difference. Every turn the computer randomly samples n (I'm thinking 4 perhaps?) possible moves completely random. So for exampl…

General Chess Discussion - API get my bullet ELO over time#2

Just found it:

General Chess Discussion - API get my bullet ELO over time#1

Hi, I there a way I can get my rating for bullet over time? Preferably Date, time, rating. I can get my game via this call: I can use thi…

Lichess Feedback - More time allowance for chess960 first move#1

Hi, Unlike classical chess I think that chess960 should allow more time for first move. I think 3 minutes would be a good balance between allowing players enough time to make first move and avoiding e…

General Chess Discussion - Why we saying good luck?#4

In this context it could mean Good luck in that your internet connection doesn't disconnect, or that you don't drop dead during the game. Or good luck that your wife doesn't want a 20 minute conversat…

General Chess Discussion - Can I export bullet games with move times included?#3

Awesome worked a treat. Thanks @Assios

General Chess Discussion - Burning Out#6

Bullet it a whole different beast. Top 9% in any variant on this site is awesome. I've had times where I feel that I'm over chess. Then I have a few days off come back and feel that enjoyment again th…
