
Search "user:kramnikstudent1"

45 forum posts
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Game analysis - what am I doing wrong?#9

There could be many factors, 1) All the work you did needs to sink in and you need to be able to execute them in quick time (considering this was a blitz game) 2) It could be you are nervous when unde…

General Chess Discussion - Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off#322

Scrolled a few pages but I dont think this new article has been referenced The comment section is not working in the above article

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General Chess Discussion - Why did this happen?#64

@bunyip it seems u are having a field day and your intention seems to just lable a titled player as a me it's clear that it was a mistake and he was honest about it. Also nothing prevents a…

General Chess Discussion - Why did this happen?#52

Oh come on he has clearly stated why he used it. His intent was not cheating and it's clear. It seems like an ignorant mistake. Dont understand why people are going over the same points again and agai…

General Chess Discussion - Analysis with an engine - How useful do you find it to be? #6

I would like to divide my answer into sections a) I lose the game badly out of the opening: In this case I just check what I thought was the blunder against what the engine says. I then proceed to spe…

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