
Search "user:mkubecek"

1173 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How long can this go on#2

Lichess Feedback - Game should be forfeited if the opponent does not make the first move#8

Every now an then I see vocal complaints from people who were punished by playban for aborting too many games (mostly because they believe their reasons for aborting when they don't like something abo…

General Chess Discussion - I need urgent help regarding a FIDE tournament...pls do help#9

It's up to you whether _you_ would rather drop out of the tournament to avoid the risk of ending up with lower rating. Short term, having higher rating may make it easier to enter higher section of ne…

General Chess Discussion - I need urgent help regarding a FIDE tournament...pls do help#2

The FIDE rating list (FRL) is published once a month so if the tournament ends on June 2nd, its result are most likely going to be reflected in July's FRL. 2. See…

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve your chess level?#7

@apalladi said in #6: > I also analyze the game that I loose with the engine, trying to understand what I have lost. IMHO it's useful to analyze all games, both lost and won. I usually get valuable fe…

General Chess Discussion - How to evaluate my chess progress?#30

In cases like this calculating the confidence interval is supposed to give you an idea. But the problem is that I have no idea what can be assumed about the distribution of accuracy values (I just don…

Lichess Feedback - Study now harder to use#4

I still have the chapter list on top left as before. The problem might only show for some window sizes and/or browsers.

General Chess Discussion - How to evaluate my chess progress?#28

@mettana said in #27: > I know its not a long term evaulation, but it still works for me, like you can take it as your rating(level?) for one game. That's exactly where I see the biggest problem. When…

General Chess Discussion - What is the highest number of games you have ever played in a day?#11

@StephenPS said in #10: > You have never even tried bullet? Or atleast blitz 3+0? I haven't played any blitz games in this millenium. :-) I played some blitz, including some blitz tournaments, in the …

Lichess Feedback - Term "correspondence"#12

I would rather see "engine assisted" and "engine free" correspondece as two completely different variants that might be even named different to avoid any confusion. Either of the two makes sense and m…
