
Search "user:russiansplashinface"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How not to lose a game with bongcloud tactic#8

Be better

General Chess Discussion - How to calculate pawn endgames?#34

Move by move

General Chess Discussion - stockfish eval not correct#2

Have you changed maybe some parametres?

Off-Topic Discussion - What's the worst thing that can happen to you???#55

That i ask me this question.

Off-Topic Discussion - What's the worst thing that can happen to you???#48

@TimeTraveller1 said in #43: > That really doesn't matter one day you will get separated from them anyway< If this is your logic, than why you live and dont kill yourself? You will die anyway.

Off-Topic Discussion - What's the worst thing that can happen to you???#47

@LittleJennyWren said in #12: > Well, the absolute worst? I could run out of coffee on a Monday morning! Now, that's a true nightmare, right? < Its a nightmare, no matter which morning.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we exist?#96

Why there must be a meta-reason, that we exist? We exist, so we exist. Doesn't matter why, if there is a why.

Off-Topic Discussion - What is the meaning of your name.?#7

It means what it means

Off-Topic Discussion - Is there excessive foreign infiltration in Western European countries?#13

@s2numbuq35i said in #12: > True. And they bring valuable knowledge and experience. And cultural wealth such as food, music and literature. Some of our best writers are immigrants, and I mean they lea…

Off-Topic Discussion - Try to make me cringe#17

Come on my friend come on...
