
Search "user:shymax"

35 forum posts
Game analysis - Help me learn from this game?#1 I have less experience playing against the Dutch than I do some other openings (and I've been learning the London, so it's relatively new to me too), so it was good to…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: comments for creating or declining challanges#3

> My girlfriend just dumped me in the most awful way, i'll only play lines with a doubtful queen sacrifice in the 10 first moves. Ha!

Lichess Feedback - Training comes up with the same puzzles#4

@Vetinari_Computer is correct. When the tactics trainer was updated a few months back, one of the things the developers implemented was spaced repetition. You can read about how it works here: https:/…

Lichess Feedback - [Suggestion] Play Against Openings#5

@bz Good idea. That is easy to do on the web version. When you go to the analysis board, there are two little boxes below, one that says “FEN” and another that says “PGN.” (You probably already know t…

Lichess Feedback - [Suggestion] Play Against Openings#2

You can already do this. What you would do is open up an analysis board, put in the moves for the opening you want to practice, and then choose “continue from here.” On the website, you do that with t…

General Chess Discussion - Should you analyse your won games?#2

I go over both won and lost games. Sometimes there are errors in won games that one’s opponent missed. Sometimes even in a won game I will have missed opportunities.

Off-Topic Discussion - Stupid people amaze me#4

Something like that, somewhere between disinterest and impatience and a little resentment of having to learn something that, to the person, seems kind of trivial and a waste of time, and will probably…

Off-Topic Discussion - Stupid people amaze me#2

With the caveat that not knowing computing technology does not mean a person is stupid, I suspect what is happening in those situations (which I’ve seen too) is a variation on learned helplessness, a …

Game analysis - A bit trolling for fun#3

Oh, my goodness. I needed a laugh. Thanks for that.

Lichess Feedback - Mobile app - no list of real time games?#3

I asked about that a while back, too. It's not available, at least not now, although you can create a game and get a real-time game that way.
