

In the bustling alleys of a sprawling city, amidst the forgotten corners and shadows, lived Cornelius, a cockroach of unique curiosity and daring. Unlike his brethren, who scurried at the first hint of light or danger, Cornelius harbored a fascination for the world above, a world ruled by giants and filled with wonders beyond anything he could find in his dark nooks and crannies. Cornelius lived beneath the floorboards of an old, ramshackle house on the edge of the city, a place teeming with tales of the old world and crumbs of the new. Each night, when the giants slumbered, he would venture out to explore the labyrinthine passages of walls and pipes, leading to the many mysteries housed within. One particular night, under the glow of a full moon, Cornelius stumbled upon a treasure trove unlike any other—a library. Books towered over him like skyscrapers, each page a doorway to another realm. It was here, among the whispers of paper and ink, that Cornelius's adventure truly began. D