
Jose Castillio on

Practicing for the Online Chess Tournament - Day 4 + Some news

Yep, the name has changed! Some new things also have been added, but we'll get to them later.

First of all, I'm no longer updating one blog every day. It's too much and like I said, I never have too much time to spend an extra 15-20 minutes on a blog. Anyways, the tournament's now online on Lichess, very useful!
The obvious reason why lichess was chosen is because:

  1. It is 1000 times easier to create a team here.
  2. Most of our PE teachers play on Lichess, instead of since they mostly play on anonymous accounts.

Based on past experiences, the tournament is likely going to be a Swiss tournament. The time is 15 minutes with no increment.
Anyway, here is the game for today. I definitely put up a great fight but still lost at the end.

At this point, I couldn't even know what I did wrong anymore. Would anyone be able to help?
But now, my schedule will be 2-3 days per blog on weekdays, so two or three blogs for the main week and two more blogs on the weekend, since it's the weekend and my finals will be finished.
Thanks for reading!