
Glitchy arrows in analysis mode?

Most of the time, the blue arrows in analysis mode show the computer's current best move for the next player.

I've noticed recently that sometimes the suggestions are bizarre - proposing moves that are illegal, or moves where the arrow starts from an empty square.

Usually these flick to something sensible fairly quickly, but sometimes they stay around for quite a while.

Has anyone else noticed this?
It seems quite random. To try and replicate it, I quickly played through these moves in analysis mode:

at which point it suggested that the next move (for Black) was Rd1-e2.

But doing it a second time didn't cause the same issue.
I have experienced this as well, usually when you give it some time it will eventually indicate the best move, i thought there was something wrong at my end so i just ignored it, but as it seems, it's not just me.
If you open up analysis board and play through some moves with Stockfish on, you should be able to reproduce it.

It seems the engine gets confused on whose turn it is.

Here is the same position, in which white is up a piece:

-4.5 at 16/20 depth, suggesting black to play impossible move on white's turn:

+4.7 at 17/20 depth, correctly suggesting white to play on white's turn:
Fixed a bug related to ghost arrows. Is it still happening for anyone?
Seems to be possibly a bit less often, but I've just had one (suggesting Qc7 when there's still a pawn there)

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