
Curiosity about multiple account closures

I declare that I will never ever close my account. However, while searching my profile settings and looking at other accounts, I see some closed accounts. I read that accounts can only be closed once but I have just noticed a certain user close their account twice and reopen. I wonder how it was possible!
I assume it's not impossible to reopen a closed account several times, and that the mentioned limit exists to discourage potential overuse / abuse. That's just my opinion, though.
If you close your account or if Lichess closes it then they can always reopen it for you if your a titled player, friend of the devs, or won a court case against them
Lichess never closes your account. Only the users who create the accounts can close them.
#4 The staff does close accounts sometimes, though.
Between Mods, Devs and Thibault himself accounts have been closed for the following reasons

1. Users ask them too
2. Multi-accounting
a) Playing games from multiple accounts simultaneously
b) Blindfold accounts
c) Answering yourself in the forums
3. TOS violations
1) Cheating
a) Engine use (Actually haven't seen an account closed for this only cheat marked)
2) Sandbagging
a) Sandbagging (Intentionally losing games)
b) Boosting (Playing against a bots weakness or conspiracy with another account to lose)
3) Impersonation (Haven't see this yet but I know people doing this activity)
4) Hacking (Haven't seen this yet)
5) Harassing
a) Racist comments
b) Complaining about staff
c) Complaining about site
d) Posting to many bug reports
e) Inciting others to break the TOS
f) Posting about other users violating TOS (Have only seen this troll marked)
6) Sharing copyrighted material (Haven't seen this one only people troll marked)
7) Abuse our infrastructure (Haven't seen this one)
8) Spamming (Haven't seen this one only people troll marked)

I can not post examples of these because of 5.f you'll have to take my word.
At one point in time I had examples of all of the above except the ones I've said I haven't seen now I only have examples of a few, cause some people have deleted where I stored that.
The question however is how a user can close and reopen their account twice.
@Lidraughtsorg Sandbagging/boosting gives you a "This player artificially increases/decreases their rating" mark. Actual closures are rare, and usually requier something really bad, like ban evasion and hacking. Chat offences like spamming and swearing give you a troll mark.
@SteveMulchCivic For your first point yes they are rare but do happen. Chat offences there is usually a warning but not always, Some mods will jump straight to the account closure. I didn't believe it either until I saw it happen to someone live.

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