
suggestion by stockfish I do not understand

In the game at move 19 Stockfish suggests I made a mistake by moving my knight between the white queen and my king, on g7, and that I ought to have put my queen there; that would have allowed white to take my knight on h5. I cannot see the efficacy of the stockfish suggestion. Can anyone enlighten me?
The engine is weighing material against king safety, and initiative. That knight is on the rim, not really doing anything very useful at the moment. It felt like white has more counter play if you try and keep it.

You went on to win the game easily after this. The computer engine has you winning a pawn for that knight (then another shortly after), where you become 4 pawns up for a knight and it just looks like a very comfortable position. Also the white queen gets a little more limited, and cant check you anymore. Very cut, and dry.

On the other hand the engine thinks it sees some annoying checks, and stuff in your line costing you a little initiative, but your line is still winning although it has this feeling white may have something useful here, but not really.

Both lines are winning. Your line though you just get's poked and prodded at a little more by the white bishop, and queen.
19...Ng7 doesn't seem to be winning, after Bf5 there doesn't seem to be a way for black to prevent white from forcing a draw by checking at h7 and g6 with the queen.
After 19...Qg7 20. Qxh5 fxe5 you have 3 pawns against a piece, the center, a safer king, more active pieces and white has a couple of vulnerable pawns or in other words, black is standing much better.
This is a classic case of "Stockfish is right, you're not."
The White king is vulnerable and his pieces are horribly undeveloped and uncoordinated. After QxN, Black's center starts to roll and his initiative is unstoppable.

Look at the moves that Stockfish suggests for White and try a few alternatives to see if they change anything. You'll see that Black is winning in all lines.
Thanks to everyone for the replies, very interesting.

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