
Search "user:LaW17EnFoRcEr"

39 forum posts
Racing Kings WC - 2022 RKWC Announcement & Registrations#6

Im in I guess, I can not guarantee to be able to schedule during the given time frame due to conflicting events this summer, I will do my best but will notify my opponent if they get a win.

Lichess Racing Kings - Racing Kings Team Battles#10

Please add my team to the battles

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board#1

I recently have had a trend with the analysis board after a game where the page always freezes after I turn on stockfish evaluation, this has been going for a little over a week now, is this for every…

Lichess Feedback - Variant Revolution#1

Can there be another Racing Kings or horde or other variant revolutions? I think it would be really fun and could populate the variants even more.

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Lichess Feedback - Daily Arenas and Shields#7

could this be done, I would love to know if any mod or lichess developer has seen this...

Lichess Feedback - Daily Arenas and Shields#5

@LordSupremeChess said in #4: > You forgot Yearly. ya i did, but those dont come around too often...

Lichess Feedback - Daily Arenas and Shields#1

What if we still had 1 daily/weekly/monthly/shield per time span but in different time controls so bullet players can have a chance to win? obviously, this only applies to variants but is this a possi…

General Chess Discussion - Hackers Leak Lichess Source Code#202

HAHA, hope you figure this out, wink wink

Lichess Feedback - Bug: draw without threefold repetition#4

@amos_chesstra said in #1: > TL;DR: the server called a game a draw even though there was no threefold repetition. > > Game: > > > I recently played a game where my opponent refused to resign despite …
