
Black Lives Matter

Does the 24-hour Marathon award a prize to the top 100?.
Or is it just a charity tournament like the one that took place 2 weeks ago?
answer me please, thanks
Lichess is the place i go to in order to escape all the mayhem of the media these days. So very disappointed to encounter these loaded issues underlying how bad humanity is.

Anyways it's very understandable that lichess jumprd the anarchy bandwagon.

You need anarchistic tendencies to build a website so awesome and keep it free and open source.
I hope Lichess is happy having created this Shit Storm.

Lots of peace and solidarity going on here.
Vain Empathy.

Just going to argue about this till the next news cycle and not make any significant changes.

The Equality line is so out of touch... is this Segregation Era? Jim Crow? What does that have to do with anything? Nobodies rights are being infringed.

Not one of you wants to do the brass tax of Police Reform or solve this within the institutions we have in place. It's embarrassing we can't just come together for the betterment of everyone.

Conspiratorial Conservatives you're not helping and you Snarky Pseudo intellectual Liberals You're even worse. It's like you take glee in the division, you revel in the conflict and refuse to listen to reason. Hate and Weep is that all you are capable of.

You're disgusting - This conflict needs to be eliminated, Expunged from social circles.

You don't Divide, you conquer. Work Together you both need each other to survive. Stop being idiots.

Donating to BLM isn't going to change anything. Gather together come up with some form of mission statement on what you want to be done. Mail it to your Senators, Congress People, Attorney Generals... It's not that hard.

Nobody is arguing that what happened to George Floyd isn't messed up. Make a change that matters while you still can.

You petty squabbling fools. >:C
"You need anarchistic tendencies to build a website so awesome and keep it free and open source." /Jg24

Holy Smoke, what an approach.
I was CPU sharing user. Not now. Don't like when sites, using games to spread their political messages.
Thank you Lichess for speaking out! This issue has been going on for a long long time. Nothing seems to get done about it but finally it may happen. If we walked a day in someone else's shoes I'm sure many of us would find what is going on (racism/discrimination) unacceptable. Enough is enough and we need change now!!! Racism is still alive an well here in the US and it is wrong!

-- Jim

"Just write your representatives come up with a plank reeeeee"

They did that for years and it got them nowhere. Various major BLM organizations have proposed a set of reasonable, reform-oriented demands that have gone ignored until now: when the 'anarchistic riots' successfully have Minneapolis considering sweeping justice reform and with the leftist goals of police reform (which actually are and have been goals of the left for a long time, I dunno what left you're talking about) becoming mainstream as a result of it.

Protesting and, yes, rioting work. Writing pretty letters to the trash can doesn't.

And many people literally are arguing that George Floyd being murdered in broad daylight wasn't messed up. They're actively against police reform or acknowledging the existence of racism: conservative ideology exists to give bad people a way to look at themselves in the mirror with anything but disgust. Confessing that America still has severe racial problems, that the criminal justice system and industrial prison complex are fundamentally wrong completely fly in the face of everything conservativism stands for and would force conservatives to examine their beliefs.

Achievements or accomplishments is not just about the past, it's about building a future.

My family heritage is very multicultural. I tend to identify others by the custom they wear, and not by their skin color. It's done, in the same way we compliment others for their dress and conduct. Our conduct must always leave breathing room for others.

Look beyond the surface and think real deep.
Fall in love with the person inside, not by the external appearance.
Without empathy we cannot sense, what the others are feeling.

Balance your empathy with logic and reduce your stress by breathing deeply.
Everyone has the right to breath.
Live and let live.

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