
getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually

2000k == 2,000,000
I doubt, anyone can reach this on lichess.
@filthiesteote said in #1:

>out of all the 2000s i've played, one thing common with them is that they, look for tactics; rather than seeking out ways to improve your position

I ́ve never yet played a 2000er who actively looked for ways to improve my position. Would be nice though.
i am dying to be higher rated .. i feel like i am so much better than my rating. anyone willing to help ? hehe my last few games i feel like i have been doing some advanced moves instinctively. but chess is more than just executing good sequences of moves in flashes throughout the game, you have to look at the bigger picture.
Yeah getting to 2000 is pretty easy, I usually do it when I am in really bad form and lose many games in a row.
@Hagredion said in #15:
> Yeah getting to 2000 is pretty easy, I usually do it when I am in really bad form and lose many games in a row.
Same here
@filthiesteote said in #18:
> erm being 1400 with close to 5k games is a tad bit yk embarrassing

That's just a nasty comment, show some respect. Some people just play for fun and don't take it that seriously, not everyone wants to spend 100s of hours studying.
@Orphan_X said in #19:
> That's just a nasty comment, show some respect. Some people just play for fun and don't take it that seriously, not everyone wants to spend 100s of hours studying.

if youre playing thousands of games, and remain at the same rating level, you clearly have your ups and downs BUT WHAT IF, HEAR ME OUT WHAT IF, you grow as you play instead of wasting so many hours and you SEE WHY GETTING BETTER IS good, rather than wasting time on a forum /or wasting time on a game with a very low rate of interest
@filthiesteote said in #17:

> once again i am attacked for presenting new ideas

Maybe you should just take the hint then, and spare us this stuff?

And: new? Errrmmm...

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