
Re: Bobby Fischer

As much as people call him crazy and lunatic, i think it's safe to say he was (and is) a lucky man. In the end he died as a happy man, surrounded by people who loved him and who he loved. And it's interesting (and very touching, at least for me ❤️) that one of last things he is reported to have said is: "There's nothing like a human touch".

Rip Robert James Fischer, you will be remembered not only for your chess but also for being a true human being.
Bobby Fischer- The greatest of all time. Sometimes (alot) of times he was a jerk, but a great person and great chess player. I recommend the book "Bobby Fischer Against The World"
I have one of his greatest books ever, "My 60 memorable games"
its a great book, I recommend it to everyone!
"true human being" "great person" Honest to God, what are you guys on? :D
One of the greatest chess players, but not one of the greatest personalities.

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