
New feature: rating stats

"You are better than 99% of Classical players."

Aha! :) Finally after years, some recognision for my endless chess studying in the past :-)

Thank you L i c h e s s
... the best chess playing server on the Planet !!!
"You are better than 90% of Bullet players."
"You are better than 95% of Classical players."


I actually try my best to *ignore* ratings, and focus on chess content, looking for creative and beautiful chess games, and try to focus not so much on result (I rather see an interesting draw or loss, instead of a boring game won on time, or won by a dreadful blunder by my opponent).

Having said that, I should perhaps study antichess (1300 rating...) and 3-check openings and endgames, haha :)

Yeah, it's not too difficult to play those variants if you are as strong in standard chess as you are.
@Dionysus_god #27
I seem to have problems with anti-chess, I keep losing and losing. I don't mind that so much.
What does worry and saddens me somewhat is that I am getting worse at chess960. On Fics I reached 2100 for FR/Chess960 a few years ago, and I liked playing it occassionally.
Now on I'm below 1600, and on Lichess it's 1900, but with no real progress, and I don't enjoy playing Chess960 so much anymore. I guess this old guy here (me) simply is getting real old now.

Luckily there's KOTH, a very exciting chess variant imho ! :)

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