
How to make the world a better place?

Make spirituality a purely private matter. Abolish all organized religions and let everybody believe what he chooses to believe, but don't allow religious fanatics to try and force their morals and beliefs on others. Make it a crime to try to convert anybody to another religion. Let children be born free from religion. If my parents are members in a chessclub when I'm born, that does not automatically make me a member in that chessclub either. So why should a child be a member of a religious community, just because his/her parents belong to one? Circumcision of infants for non-medical reasons should not be allowed regardless of gender.
Save water and biodiversity. Grow your own food and better distribution. Reduce waste and emissions. Use reneweable energy sources. Be civically engaged. Fair trade of products. Reduce unemployment.
Teach the children that happiness, love and friendship are more important than career, success and money. Teach them to love themselves, nature and all living things. Teach them that individuality is better than conformity and to think for themselves and not just follow the leaders and mindless mainstream society.

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