
Lichess policy of not informing cheaters, that they have been marked, provokes public shaming

#10 Sanctioned users are never informed that they are sanctioned. That applies to both cheaters and trolls and other sanctions.
I don't understand why cheaters cheat. What satisfaction do they get from winning a game they did not earn?
Personally preferred the old of discussing who was cheating and who wasn't openly in the tournament chat. Now the policy is not to allow any public accusations.
#9 - "there's a chance an accused player is innocent". For what I've seen so far, if there's a chance, it's really slim, and I guess the guy could then appeal his case and get reinstated.

99.99% of cheaters are cheating for real and are assholes on top of that.
#15 If you aren't informed that you are sanctioned you can't appeal. Also it's hard to find out that you are sanctioned. Features invoked by the sanction appears as still working and if you are sanctioned for troll, you get no information when sending mail to friends that messages aren't delivered because you are sanctioned.
I didn't know about this (that cheaters don't informed).

But if this is true ... I must say ..

" W E L L D O N E !!! Lichess you are N U M B E R O N E !!!"

+100 to #3, #5, #7

Lichess, ban users, only because they must be banned.

I don't understand how users like tangibletremor and blackzombie are trying to defend users like Misha99, when it is very ease to understand how much wrorg they are, simply, by looking Misha99's games for example. Here's winning an +300 elo opponent(2000+ and others) in 16 moves, when the same person lose like this from players 1500-1600 and

You (blackzombie & tangibletremor), can't understand that he is cheating??? Can't you understand, that if I wanted to play against a engine, I can do it against my computer? Can't you understand that Lichess is trying to protect the users that are playing fair chess? Who is the victim here? Mischa99 or the rest??? Can't you understand that you are unfair and provoke?

LICHESS is simply the best, because ... lichess team is doing what he does, from their love about chess.

Misha99, and people like him, have no place at lichess. In my eyes the are "criminals". I have see many good chess players and even GM's to stop playing online, because of users like Misha99!

He manage to play 25 rated games and to reach a 1900+ elo, so... what? What's the point?

But, also your behavior, against lichess and all the others is very wrong! Lichess team gives much of their time and efford for this site, you must be fair !!

And to all cheaters : "There are other sites, where playing with engines is OK (or they don't care if you play with engine, they only care to win money), go there and you will reach, a 3000-4000 elo. Here come, only if you really want to learn chess and have fun, being fair."
OR ...
if you are stupid, use engine here to reach a 2000-2100 for a day or two, or if you are very very lucky to reach 2300+ for a day. But just to you information ... we don't lose elo from cheaters, as ... lichess return it to us, when after 48hours, you would be banned ...
It's true that people who enjoy cheating should go to other places like, where they won't be banned before 1 year or two, when they are banned in a couple days on lichess.
#17 I don't protect cheaters. I don't say they shouldn't be banned. I just say that they should be notified that they are banned. Also I think cheaters could have their account deleted instead of restricted to non-rated games. Issuing sanctions against anyone without informing isn't serious.

Can I at least be told who was it that Lichess thinks cheated against me? I get a notification but it only sends me to my own profile where I have played hundreds of games. Or don't give me back my rating points.

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