
The Tactician's Handbook

1 • alecschessclub •
  1. 1-1 Alekhine vs Ostrogsky 1910
  2. 1-2 Alekhine vs Dawnman 1924
  3. 1-3 Marshall vs Spielmann 1925
  1. alecschessclub

Silman - Endgames 1 Original (Beg8-C104)

14 • alecschessclub •
  1. Beg - d8
  2. Beg - d10
  3. Beg - 1b version 2
  4. Beg - d18
  1. alecschessclub
  2. Mikeisthebest
  3. NathanaelKim
  4. DPAchess

Student Games - Copy 2

1 • alecschessclub •
    1. alecschessclub
    2. gamezrock
    3. LoganMondroid
    4. checkmate_Sammy

    Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations

    1 • alecschessclub •
    1. Ann - 1
    2. Ann - 2
    3. Ann - 3
    4. Ann - 4
    1. alecschessclub
    2. theketchels
    3. Bluesoda8
    4. davegar

    Silman - Endgames 2 (C108-B198)

    13 • alecschessclub •
    1. C - d108
    2. C - d108 - b
    3. C - 108c
    4. C - d112
    1. joellechess07
    2. rob117
    3. KSAChess
    4. ksjc

    Bobby Fischer - Original

    38 • alecschessclub •
    1. 1 - Fischer vs Sherwin - New Jersey Open 1957
    2. 2 - Fischer vs Larsen - Portoroz 1958
    3. 3 - Petrosian vs Fischer - Portoroz 1958
    4. 4 - Pilnik vs Fischer - Mar del Plata 1959
    1. alecschessclub
    2. joellechess07
    3. DPAchess
    4. Grgchess

    Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies - Kasparyan

    1 • alecschessclub •
    1. 1 - Horwitz 1889
    2. Table 2.2 / Represents 2-8
    3. 2 - Troitzky 1896
    4. 3 - Troitzky 1912
    1. alecschessclub

    Student Games - Original

    21 • alecschessclub •
      1. alecschessclub
      2. joellechess07
      3. DPAchess
      4. Grgchess

      Zurich 1953 - Bronstein 1

      1 • alecschessclub •
      1. 1 Szabo vs Geller
      2. 2 Najdorf vs Reshevsky
      3. 3 Petrosian vs Keres
      4. 4 Averbakh vs Smyslov
      1. alecschessclub

      Alec's Games & HTBYDAC - 2

      4 • alecschessclub •
      1. 16 - Double Rook Sacrifice 3
      2. 17 - The Double Bishop Sacrifice 1
      3. 17 - The Double Bishop Sacrifice 2
      4. 17 - The Double Bishop Sacrifice 3
      1. alecschessclub
      2. joellechess07
      3. rob117
      4. KSAChess

      Silman - Endgames 3 (B199-A266)

      9 • alecschessclub •
      1. B - d198
      2. B - d199
      3. B - d201
      4. B - d202 - Test B - Problem 1 of 10
      1. alecschessclub
      2. NateDogg176
      3. WaffleKing337
      4. rob117

      Sicilian 6 - Sic Acc Drag - 3l - Sic Scheveningen, 6 Be2 & 6 f4 - 7b

      4 • alecschessclub •
      1. Sic Acc Drag - 3l
      2. Sic Acc Drag - 3m
      3. Sic Acc Drag - 3n
      4. Sic Acc Drag - 3o
      1. alecschessclub
      2. juliechess06

      Sicilian 1 - Naj 1 - Naj 18

      6 • alecschessclub •
      1. Sic Naj Eng 1c
      2. Sic Naj Eng 1e
      3. Sic Naj Eng 1f
      4. Sic Naj Eng 1g
      1. alecschessclub
      2. juliechess06

      Sicilian 4 - Drag, Yug, Soltis - 1e - Sic Drag, Yug, 9 O-O-O, 9g4, Misc - 16r

      2 • alecschessclub •
      1. Sic Drag, Yug, Soltis - 1e
      2. Sic Drag, Yug, Soltis - 1f
      3. Sic Drag, Yug, Soltis - 2g
      1. alecschessclub
      2. juliechess06

      Sicilian 14 - Minor Closed & Smith-Morra Gambit - 7d - With 3 Bb5 - 5q

      1 • alecschessclub •
      1. Sic Minor Closed & Smith-Morra Gambit - 7d
      2. Sic Minor Closed & Smith-Morra Gambit - 7e
      3. Sic Minor Closed & Smith-Morra Gambit - 8f
      4. Sic Minor Closed & Smith-Morra Gambit - 8g
      1. alecschessclub
      2. juliechess06

      Alec's Games & HTBYDAC - 1 Original

      9 • alecschessclub •
      1. 1 - Anastasia's Mate 1
      2. 1 - Anastasia's Mate 2
      3. 1 - Anastasia's Mate 3*
      4. 1 - Anastasia's Mate 4
      1. The_chessmaster17
      2. alecschessclub
      3. TornadoPlayer
      4. jojocook2016