
1.e4 c6

1 • pspxvII •
  1. Bf5 e6 Nd7 Ne7
  2. Bf5 e6 Nd7 c5
  3. c5 Nc6
  4. c5 cxd4
  1. pspxvII

1.e4 vs Caro Kann, French, and Philidor (Negi)

6 • Iamamonkey •
  1. French Rubinstein with 6...b6
  2. French Rubinstein with 6...Be7 and 8...c5
  3. French Rubinstein with 6...Be7 and 8...0-0
  4. French Rubinstein with 6...Nxe4 and 8...Qd6
  1. Iamamonkey

35 Caro-Kann Defence Traps! Interactive

10 • Halomi •
  1. Intro
  2. Bohemian 1
  3. Bohemian 2
  4. Bohemian 3
  1. Halomi

35 Caro-Kann Defense Traps!

1039 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trap 1: Bohemian Attack #1
  3. Trap 2: Bohemian Attack #2
  4. Trap 3: Two Knights Attack #1
  1. Bosburp
  2. WassimBerbar

4) Art of Attack - Mating Patterns

17 • ZuccarV •
  1. Queen Bishop Checkmate
  2. Arabic mate
  3. Two Knights mating pattern
  4. Back-row mate
  1. Vibes91
  2. Migarovv
  3. ZuccarV
  4. GiPi73

4. dxc5 In The Advanced Caro Kann

4 • nklschs •
  1. Introduction
  2. Botvinnik-Carls Accepted, a3
  3. Botvinnik-Carls Accepted, Be3
  4. Botvinnik-Carls Accepted, Nf3
  1. nklschs

Advance Caro-Kann: The Botvinnik-Carls Defense

271 • njswift •
  1. The Advance Caro-Kann
  2. The Botvinnik-Carls Defense
  3. Lesser responses
  4. The questionable 4. Bb5+?!
  1. njswift

Advance: dc Nc6

1 • ultcg •
  1. ML: c3 Be3 h3
  2. ML: c3 Be3 Qa4
  3. ML: c3 Be3 Be2
  4. ML: c3 b4
  1. ultcg

Against Caro-Kann

6 • NapalmA •
  1. CKD - Main Line
  2. CKD - Exchange Variation ️️
  3. CKD - Advance Variation ️
  4. CKD - Advance Variation - 4...c4!? ️️
  1. NapalmA

AlAren's Study

1 • AlAren •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Глава 2
  3. Глава 3
  4. Глава 4
  1. AlAren

Alainh59's Study

1 • Alainh59 •
  1. Chapitre : 1
  1. Alainh59

AlezChickMLG's Study

1 • AlezChickMLG •
  1. Caro-Kann Main Line
  2. Caro-Kann Karpov Variaton
  3. Vienna Game
  1. AlezChickMLG

All Openings Study

6 • BlitzingBunnies •
  1. Welcome!
  2. Benoni Defense
  3. Botvinnik Variation of the Slav
  4. Caro-Kann
  1. BlitzingBunnies

Aman Hambleton Lesson with SaltyClown (Chess Rehab: Episode 2)

1 • MisterMiller •
  1. Queen's Gambit as Black
  2. London System as Black
  3. French Defense
  4. Sicilian Defense as White
  1. MisterMiller

Anand Plays the Caro-Kann

20 • njswift •
  1. Leko-Anand 2001
  2. Tiviakov-Anand 2001
  3. Leko-Anand 2001
  4. Leko-Anand 2001
  1. njswift

ArnimH's Study

1 • ArnimH •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. wizrachit
  2. ArnimH