
What is the point of playing bullet games?!

But depending on house rules you CAN take the king if check isn't seen, unlike in slower time controls.
If that was the case he would stream all of his bullet games or announce them at least !

-Many people here don't even know Magnus's handle.
-So often people complain they weren't informed Magnus was playing! Because most of his bullet duels are completely spontaneous. There's no way to know when or whom he's playing.
- They're not recorded, he doesn't stream at all when he plays bullet here
- He already has other platforms and does other promotional material. (banter 'blitz' on chess24 or Chessable instructional vids)

So no, sorry it's not about publicity, he's not trying to build a bigger clout by playing anonymous bullet at random hours without publicizing or recording it. He just enjoys playing bullet, probably because he thinks there's some merit to it, chess-wise.
@JasonNewst You're rationalizing as you go, but no, Magnus is just groveling for attention and clout, that's why we know about his IDs at all. It's really easy to be totally anonymous on the internet, and he does have a vested career interest and as a responsible and significantly successful adult I think we would do well to leave him to run his own business ;)

You're right. He is such an attention seeker. Magnus constantly brags about his high IQ and how he learned chess in 10 mins and plans to solve it.
Every streamer is an attention seeker, it's literally their brand / livelihood.
bullet is not for training, it's for fun, Magnus doesn't play bullet to improve its chess... but this is quite related to chess, as he's the best bullet player of lichess...

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