
too much abuse

You folks need to improve your reading skills. I very carefully used the word dubious to qualify the rematch comment. And no, you should not be forced to rematch. Just as you should not be forced to shower, use deodorant, or toilet paper. It isn't a question of "forced", it's a matter of choosing to do the right thing when the opportunity presents itself. That just makes the experience more enjoyable for all involved.
Why is playing the same person many times enjoyable? For me, and to many others, it just creates grudges.
"refusing a rematch when you just had a dubious win"

Oh, good, I was just thinking it had been several days since we got to listen to somebody on this forum whine about people not wanting to play with them.

People are not obligated to play chess with you even they do not want to. Agreeing to play one game with you is not an agreement to play indefinitely until you personally agree to let the person be free of their obligation. Get over your sense of entitlement, that seems a more realistic solution.
"I very carefully used the word dubious to qualify the rematch comment."

What counts as "dubious" exactly? Whatever you personally feel like calling dubious, no doubt. The word changes nothing about your meaning.

"And no, you should not be forced to rematch. Just as you should not be forced to shower, use deodorant, or toilet paper."

This is without a doubt one of the stupidest thing anybody has ever posted here, and that takes some doing.

What is "right" and what is "dubious" or whatever other silly words you want to throw around will always be 100 percent subjective, and the arrogance and cluelessness on display to assume that you alone are able and entitled to tell the world what they mean is embarrassing! You can't ensure that everyone agrees with you about these words. What you can ensure, if you wish, is that you realize feeling entitled to a rematch is silly. That would eliminate these hurt feelings.
I suspect a big part of the attitude that afflicts some players (a rematch is owed) lies in the fact they were Black and lost the game. They feel "entitled" to be given White for a 2nd go of it.
I hadn't considered color, that makes sense, but I also have long assumed that losing is the primary reason people complain about this.
why do you think you need a rematch? That's just because your ego got hurt. Overcoming your egos is something you could work on.
Additional @Chessty_McBiggins has already given you very good answers.
Not only do I accept a game 2 rematch, but I often propose it immediately especially when it's obvious I got lucky rather than brilliant. That's just good manners and sportsmanship something completely alien to you pompous self absorbed blowhards. God forbid anyone should hold you up to a standard of conduct!

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