
Do you think you can be manipulated

Obviously yes. I was just manipulated into responding to this post. ;)
No, no ! , I cannot be manipulated, I have to be quick here writing this because I'm using self service in the supermarket to avoid the massive queue on the one open till.
... Hannng onnn a minute !!. :).
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asking this question is the first step to not get manipulated (and you will still fail).

discovering your own manipulative behavior and evaluating it, thats a different story! you can study psychology for as long as you want, you wont be able to get behind these motivations before they are even known to the individuals themselves. trying to boil it down to universally applicable systems wont work with the complex and often illogical human mind.

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if you think you cant be manipulated, your absolutely prone to be manipulated, as thats just hubris. theres always someone slightly more perceptive / cunning / ruthless / indifferent / charming / etc... than you.

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