Ku deeq

Lichess coaches

FM cazhansen Lichess coach picture

FM Carsten Hansen

Real improvement in all areas of your game to lift your understanding and rating.

LocationNew York United States
LuuqadahaDansk, Deutsch
RatingFIDE: 2280
Hourly rateUSD 50
FM MostbauerFlo Lichess coach picture

FM Florian Mostbauer

Bei mir lernst du alles ein bisschen, über Endspiele aber immer gerne ein bisschen mehr ;)

Location Austria
LuuqadahaDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 23032385
Hourly rate45€ pro 60min; Bei Blockbuchungen (zb. Doppelstunden) oder geringem Vorbereitungsaufwand wirds günstiger
FM Jaboder Lichess coach picture

FM Jan Boder

Schachspielen ist meine Passion und ich liebe es andere dafür zu begeistern

Location Germany
RatingFIDE: 2328260424172514
Hourly rate30€ pro Stunde, biete auch Kleingruppentraining (3 Personen) für je 15€ an. Kostenloses Probetraining möglich
WGM Morshynska1 Lichess coach picture

WGM Maryana Huda

Quality professional coaching for all levels, including for players with goals in chess.

LocationMorshyn Ukraine
Luuqadahaукраїнська, Español, русский язык, Català, valencià, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2179
Hourly rate20 $ hr. Package - 75€ for 5 hours
NM terrapin Lichess coach picture

NM Shawn Pealer

I have lots of experience working with youth - ratings up to 2100

LocationCharlotte, NC United States
LuuqadahaEnglish (US)
Hourly rate$40, shorter online lessons available
WFM GGTOURS Lichess coach picture

WFM Галина Новикова

Учу мыслить и побеждать... Уроки на русском языке .Lessons in English are available.

Luuqadahaрусский язык, English (US)
Hourly rate1500
CM jlf287 Lichess coach picture

CM Jacob Flynn

A focus on chess fundamentals and enjoyment.

Location Ireland
LuuqadahaEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 21962665239424122113
Hourly rate€25 per hour. Flexible rates, message for discounts for block bookings.
FM Artem_0degov Lichess coach picture

FM Artem Odegov

Научу не только любить, но и сильно играть в эту игру! I will teach you to love and play this game like a pro!

LocationYekaterinburg Russia
Luuqadahaрусский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 230829042601
Hourly rate Занятие 2000₽/час. Lesson 30$/hour (I can take crypto). Discounts are available, feel free to contact me!
WFM ryzhaya Lichess coach picture

WFM Darya Trapeznikova

Born in Siberia

LocationIrkutsk Russia
Luuqadahaрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 2100
Hourly rate1200 рублей/час
FM Chernyavskiy_alex Lichess coach picture

FM Александр Чернявский

Провожу сквозь шахматные дебри более 10 лет

LocationSEA Earth
Luuqadahaрусский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 23542577
Hourly rate1800р/час 20$/hour